Knoxville, Tennessee

Streetlight Replacement Project


The City of Knoxville is requesting proposals from selected prequalified firms or teams to provide “turnkey” products and services resulting in the successful conversion of the City’s street lights from high pressure sodium (HPS) luminaires of various wattages and styles to light emitting diode (LED) luminaires of equivalent wattage.

RFP Summary

The City of Knoxville is requesting proposals from selected prequalified firms or teams to provide “turnkey” products and services resulting in the successful conversion of the City’s street lights from high pressure sodium (HPS) luminaires of various wattages and styles to light emitting diode (LED) luminaires of equivalent wattage. The successful firm will be expected to design and implement the conversion of street lighting in the City, estimated at approximately 29,500 units, to equivalent LED street luminaires. The City desires a comprehensive retrofit of all public lights, but reserves the right to exclude specific areas of lighting from this project as the City deems appropriate. The successful firm will provide labor, materials, supplies, equipment, facilities, disposal, photometric analyses (including provision of digital reports), detailed project cost and energy savings analyses, and processing for all utility rebates and timely rate schedules/billing revisions including reconciliation of any inventory differences.


Reducing energy use and annual costs associated with street lights by converting approximately 29,500 existing street lights to LED technology;- Designing and implementing the project such that it produces a net positive cash flow during the first full year, and such that cumulative cost savings resulting from the project offset all upfront capital costs within 10 years of project commencement;
– Minimizing energy consumption and maximizing energy cost savings;
– Minimizing future costs to maintain and replace converted street lights;
– Minimizing the City’s administration costs and staff time for street light maintenance;
– Achieving high levels of “post-retrofit” resident satisfaction;
– Optimizing the environmental benefits of the program (e.g., reductions in greenhouse gases emitted and toxic materials disposal);

Tangible Work Products / Scope of Work

Replacement Plan – Based on the replacements for lighting layout configurations, photometric analyses and the mapping data, develop a replacement plan for targeted luminaires that will meet or exceed current lighting levels. The plan shall list each fixture, associated KUB badge number, City facility ID, GIS location, street address, pole height, roadway type, physical fixture type, existing luminaire type, existing wattage, voltage, replacement luminaire model, replacement PE cell model, and replacement wattage. The plan should include applicable electrical diagrams and verification that all proposed luminaires meet LED Requirements

Beneficial Links / Documents cited in RFP/ Specifications;

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