NY Broadband Coverage

A Tool to Analyze Broadband Connectivity in New York State

US Ignite and Schmidt Futures sponsored and worked with a group of New York University’s Center for Urban Science and Progress student researchers in a project to converge different datasets into a master dataset that provides a singular source of truth on broadband coverage in New York State. This tool can help reach the eventual goal of closing the digital divide in New York.

Go to the NY Broadband Coverage Dashboard

The resulting map uses a variety of supervised learning models to understand the relationship between demographics and broadband connectivity. The team of researchers from NYU – Aleka Raju, Kelsey Nanan & AJ Kuhn also built a proprietary scoring system to determine census well-served, unserved and underserved tracts.

Learn More

If you are interested in learning more about the mechanics of the dashboard or in securing a similar tool for your community, please contact us at: [email protected]

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