About US Ignite
US Ignite works closely with communities, military bases, startups, and researchers to solve their toughest economic development and technology innovation challenges. Operating like a high-tech startup, our organization delivers customized results through stakeholder engagement, technical expertise, and targeted tools.
In collaboration with our partners, we deliver project outcomes that include breakthrough technologies while creating innovative new jobs, startups, and services.
Why is what we do important? Governments need to formulate policies and services that improve residents’ quality of life and drive economic development. Businesses recognize the importance of emerging markets and the need to find commercial strategies that are repeatable, scalable, and sustainable. And foundations and federal agencies need to channel their institutional aims into efforts ranging from cutting-edge research to practical economic development initiatives that deliver measurable benefits.
As a trusted partner, we bring this entire ecosystem together, successfully pairing financial investment with technical and organizational expertise. Through the public-private partnership (P3) programs we run, US Ignite is a catalyst for innovation powered by a new generation of technologies.