Dark Fiber Network
Over the years, these cities have constructed sections of optic fiber lines in portions of their communities. Recently, IFN has been constructing fiber optic in the Miamisburg area, and a portion of those fibers will be dedicated to the City of Miamisburg’s use. These seven cities now desire to connect these portions with additional fiber in order to construct a “fiber ring”, which will allow them to gain more broadband capacity, better communications, and an ability to develop shared software between those member cities.
These seven cities now desire to connect these portions with additional fiber in order to construct a “fiber ring”, which will allow them to gain more broadband capacity, better communications, and an ability to develop shared software between those member cities.
Tangible Work Products / Scope of Work
Respondents will bid overhead as well as underground construction and submit their responses on the pricing Response Table (included with the document). If exact dates are not possible, list the date and time range with your explanation. If respondents choose, they can submit their responses on their own forms as long as the information is listed in the same order and outline as the table provided.