New tool helps communities search and filter federal grant opportunities for funding to support broadband expansion and smart city deployments

WASHINGTON – May 2, 2022 – To help communities across the country navigate federal grant opportunities for broadband and smart city projects – including new programs created under the $110 billion American Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act –  US Ignite proudly unveils the new ‘Federal Funding Opportunity Tool.’ Using the tool, community leaders seeking federal funding can now target the grants that best match their needs based on areas of investment interest, funding availability, and funding requirements.

“Our goal is to simplify the process of finding relevant opportunities.” Lee Davenport, Director of Community Development, US Ignite

“Federal funding programs are complex, and we know that communities need support to navigate the different grant programs that exist,” said Lee Davenport, Director of Community Development at US Ignite. “Our goal is to simplify the process of finding relevant opportunities, and in doing so, help communities use federal dollars to drive local economic growth, close the digital divide, and create smarter communities as a whole.”

US Ignite developed the Federal Funding Opportunity Tool to enhance its existing Federal Funding Opportunities Database. This database originated thanks to funding from the Knight Foundation and now curates listings of federal programs with grants to support various broadband and smart city projects. While users can still browse the full database, those who are less familiar with federal programs will find the funding tool a more efficient way to navigate the opportunities available. 

Municipal leaders can access the Federal Funding Opportunity Tool for free at US Ignite’s website ( 

Stimulus dollars, including those authorized under the American Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, are destined to greatly expand federal grants across the board. For a narrative guide on the American Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act visit the two-part funding series posted on the US Ignite blog.

Connect with the US Ignite Communities team via email by contacting [email protected]

Go to Funding Opportunity Tool

About US Ignite: 

US Ignite collaborates with smart communities and research testbeds to drive high-impact solutions to their toughest challenges. Operating like a high-tech startup, our organization delivers timely results by applying technical expertise, stakeholder engagement, and targeted tools. US Ignite works tirelessly to ensure our programs are effective and reach the communities that need them the most. Learn more at