Community Leaders on Small Cells
Check out US Ignite’s interviews with community leaders on small cell deployments in this series of Ignite on Air podcast episodes! Transcript links are available for select episodes. Interviews run 10-15 minutes and are also available on Spotify. Follow the RSS feed for future Ignite on Air podcast episodes.
Thanks to our Forum program sponsors: AT&T, Commscope, Deloitte, Ingram Micro, Juniper, Axis Communications, and Knight Foundation.
Episodes by City:
New York City, New York
In this episode, we interview Al Jenkins, former Deputy Commissioner of Telecommunications Planning for New York City. Among other issues, he covers:
- How cities should think about assets beyond utility poles for small cell deployments
- Where there are opportunities for communities to generate revenue
- Why and how communities should think about investing in shared telecom infrastructure
Listen below or on Spotify.
Syracuse, New York
An interview with Sam Edelstein, Chief Data Officer for Syracuse, New York, looks at how and why Syracuse partnered with Verizon for small cell rollouts, and what the small cell landscape looks like in the city today.
Listen below or on Spotify.
Dallas, Texas
This podcast installment features an interview with Dallas officials including Assistant Director Ali Hatefi, Senior Program Manager Srinivasa Veeramallu, and City Attorney Don Knight. Our guests discuss:
- How their small cell strategy has evolved
- How they brought wireless carriers and the local power utility together to forge a consensus
- The innovative approach they developed to make more infrastructure available for small cell attachments
For information on Dallas partner CommScope and some of the small cell technology and solutions discussed, visit CommScope online. More details on Dallas small cell deployments are available on the city’s public works website.
Listen below or on Spotify.
Colorado Springs, CO
Joshua Pace from the Office of Innovation and Sustainability in Colorado Springs discusses how the city manages its permitting process, and how design standards for small cells have changed.
Listen below or on Spotify.
The Forum program is supported by our corporate partners AT&T, Commscope, Deloitte, Ingram Micro, Juniper, Axis Communications, and Knight Foundation.