FY 2021 American Rescue Plan Act Statewide Planning, Research, and Networks
RFP Summary provided by the agency
Building back better means investing in projects that will promote equity and develop local economies that will be resilient to future economic shocks and climate change. Through grants provided to States, EDA will fund a variety of activities among which the State may choose one or more to fund:
- Developing economic development plans that identify new or existing industry clusters that would benefit from specific infrastructure, studies, and/or workforce investments to facilitate rapid expansion of such industry clusters.
- Bringing together potentially disparate existing local and regional plans, such as Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS), or state and local plans under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), into one holistic and inclusive state-wide plan or a plan that encompasses multiple regions within a state or across state lines including strengthening links between urban and rural areas.
- Analyzing the needs of persistent poverty communities and formulating strategies to decrease disparities between these areas and more prosperous areas within a State.
- Facilitating coordination with Tribes or other indigenous communities regarding State, regional, or local planning efforts that intersect with the Tribes’ interests and are supported by impacted Tribal communities.
- Hiring disaster recovery coordinators, including possibly extending the terms of disaster recovery coordinators hired by local Economic Development Districts pursuant to EDA’s CARES Act funding.
- Supporting statewide broadband data collection and mapping efforts and developing statewide broadband deployment and technical assistance plans.
- Conducting a statewide skills assessment and analysis to help inform workforce development and training needs based on employers’ demand for skills, including coordination with the state labor market information agency and the state workforce development board.
- Cataloging state innovation and entrepreneurship assets including mechanisms to access capital and equity financing to support business development and expansion and gaps in access to capital for underserved rural and urban communities.
- Undertaking a statewide supply chain and logistics assessment to increase efficiencies.
- Identifying state assets and economic resources and developing action plans that will benefit the state’s economy in a regional and global marketplace.
- Other related activities as approved by EDA.
Through the Statewide Planning, Research & Networks program, EDA is supporting states in planning efforts by allocating $59 million for Statewide Planning Grants.
In addition, the program will allocate $31 million for Research and Networks Grants to invest in research that assesses the effectiveness of EDA’s programs and provides support for stakeholder communities around key EDA initiatives.
Additional Links:
What is the mission and focus of the program: research, social, economic or others?
Economic, Research
How do you submit to this opportunity?
Apply through Grants.gov
Who are the target applicants: cities, universities, companies, small business, nonprofits, or others?
Eligible applicants for EDA financial assistance under this NOFO include:
- A State;
- An Indian tribe;
- A city or other political subdivision of a State;
- An entity whose application is supported by a State or a political subdivision of a State and that is—- a nonprofit organization,- an institution of higher education,- a public-private partnership,- a science or research park,- a Federal laboratory, – a venture development organization, or- an economic development organization or similar entity; or
- A consortium of any of the immediately aforementioned entities. EDA is not authorized to provide grants or cooperative agreements to individuals under this Program. Requests from individuals will not be considered for funding.