Opportunity number
Department of Commerce (DOC) Economic Development Administration (EDA)
EDA American Rescue Plan Programs
Due date
January 26, 2022
Community Development Economic Development Education & Workforce Entrepreneurship Innovation Workforce Development
Project funding
Up to $25M
Program funding
Funding size
Up to $25M

FY 2021 American Rescue Plan Act Good Jobs Challenge

RFP Summary provided by the agency

Through this American Rescue Plan Act Good Jobs Challenge Notice of Funding Opportunity (ARPA Good Jobs Challenge NOFO), EDA aims to assist communities and regions impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has caused, and continues to cause, economic injury to U.S. communities and regions in devastating and unprecedented ways.

This ARPA Good Jobs Challenge NOFO is designed to help get Americans back to work by developing and strengthening regional systems to develop and execute sectoral partnerships that will lead to well-paying jobs. The goal of regional workforce training systems is to create and implement effective employer-driven training programs that will connect the existing and emerging skills needs of employers with workers and will help workers find and keep quality jobs and advance along their chosen career path. Regional workforce training systems and sectoral partnerships funded under this NOFO should connect employers in an industry with key regional stakeholders, including state and local governmental entities, economic development organizations, workforce development boards, employer-facing organizations, education and training providers, community‑based organizations (CBOs), worker-serving organizations (WSOs), and/or labor unions. The system or partnership should be led by a System Lead Entity or Backbone Organization, respectively, serving as an intermediary that has convening power in the region and the capacity to coordinate all necessary stakeholders. EDA also encourages systems and partnerships to address populations with labor market barriers such as persons with disabilities, at-risk youth, individuals in recovery, individuals with past criminal records including justice‑impacted and reentry participants, and veterans.


EDA anticipates making approximately 25 to 50 awards under this ARPA Jobs Training NOFO and scaling awards as appropriate to the proposed geographic, industry, and worker role coverage of a given regional system.

See more here

What is the mission and focus of the program: research, social, economic or others?

A wide range of technical, planning, workforce development, entrepreneurship, and public works and infrastructure projects are eligible for funding under this program.

Who are the target applicants: cities, universities, companies, small business, nonprofits, or others?

  • District Organization of an EDA-designated Economic Development District
  • Indian Tribe or a consortium of Indian Tribes
  • State, county, city, or other political subdivision of a State, including a special purpose unit of a State or local government engaged in economic or infrastructure development activities, or a consortium of political subdivisions
  • Institution of higher education or a consortium of institutions of higher education
  • Public or private non-profit organization or association acting in cooperation with officials of a political subdivision of a State

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