Digital Humanities Advancement Grants
RFP Summary provided by the agency
The Digital Humanities Advancement Grants program (DHAG) supports innovative, experimental, and/or computationally challenging digital projects, leading to work that can scale to enhance scholarly research, teaching, and public programming in the humanities. The program also supports research that examines the history, criticism, ethics, and philosophy of digital culture or technology and its impact on society.
Each applicant should align their proposed project with one of these five program goals and one or more of the associated objectives.
DHAG applicants must respond to one or more of these programmatic priorities:
- research and refinement of innovative, experimental, or computationally challenging methods and techniques
- enhancement or design of digital infrastructure, such as open-source code, tools, or platforms, that contribute to and support the humanities
- research that examines the history, criticism, ethics, or philosophy of digital culture or technology and its impact on society, including racial, religious, and/or gender biases
- evaluative studies that investigate the practices and the impact of digital scholarship on research, pedagogy, scholarly communication, and public engagement
View Program Webinar here
What is the mission and focus of the program: research, social, economic or others?
How do you submit to this opportunity?
Submit through
Who are the target applicants: cities, universities, companies, small business, nonprofits, or others?
- County governments
- Special district governments
- Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
- City or township governments
- Private institutions of higher education
- State governments
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
Example project(s) summaries from past RFPs:
Comprehensive list of awards here
UCLA; Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA 90024-4201) |
Pursuing the Potential of Digital Mapping in Latinx StudiesA two-day workshop and support network to build capacity in digital mapping methods for scholars in Latinx Studies.
We request a Level 1 grant for a two-day workshop at UCLA on August 12-13, 2021. Latinx Studies is built on understanding how spatial struggles shape racial, ethnic, and national identity. As Latinx Studies scholars increasingly use digital mapping in their research and teaching, we will bring scholars, GIS experts, and public and academic research librarians together to: 1) provide technical training to help participants build skills and advance their individual projects; and 2) plan a support network to facilitate the creation of shared data repositories, partnerships with libraries, training and mentoring opportunities, and an online hub of best practices and teaching materials. The workshop will draw on UCLA’s extensive resources and expertise in GIS research. In line with the “A More Perfect Union” initiative, this project will advance digital mapping as a method of increasing understanding of the enduring presence of people of Latin American descent in the history of our nation. |
(ii) Example project(s) summaries from past RFPs:
University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA 90089-0012) |
Remastering the Renaissance: A Virtual Experience of Pope Julius II’s Library in Raphael’s Stanza della Segnatura
Development of a software connector between Unity and Scalar and the publication of a virtual reality experience of Pope Julius’s Stanza della Segnatura. To develop deliberate-play experiences broadly available beyond museum walls, we need to build, test and implement a bridge that allows Scalar annotations to migrate to and from 3D environments built in Unity, and to port Scalar coordinates in order to allow easeful mapping of images in Scalar onto virtual environments. This new Scalar-Unity bridge will make possible many discursive platforms for virtual visitors. Our proof of concept: the Vatican’s Stanza della Segnatura, painted by Raphael as the setting for Pope Julius II’s library. We seek to construct an immersive digital environment of that room and its original contents, using Scalar as a back-end authoring platform to annotate and tag connections between the library’s books, images, and themes, and using Unity 3D to visualize them. This virtual reality environment will enable contemporary audiences everywhere to “visit” this canonical space, open window shutters, move furnishings, and select books from recreated shelves.
(iii) Example project(s) summaries from past RFPs: