Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Grants
RFP Summary provided by the agency
FY 2023 RAISE grants are for capital investments in surface transportation infrastructure and are to be awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will have a significant local or regional impact. DOT will award no more than $25 million for the planning, preparation or design of eligible projects. DOT will award at least $15 million for projects located in areas of persistent poverty or historically disadvantaged communities. The minimum RAISE grant award is $5 million in urban areas and $1 million in rural areas.
Projects for RAISE funding will be evaluated based on merit criteria that include safety, environmental sustainability, quality of life, economic competitiveness, state of good repair, innovation, and partnership. Within these criteria, the Department will prioritize projects that can demonstrate improvements to racial equity, reduce impacts of climate change and create good-paying jobs.
DOT strongly encourages applicants utilize planning coordination opportunities with Metropolitan Planning Organizations that integrate transportation planning, housing, employment opportunities and economic development strategies, in their proposed projects and describe them in their applications. The Department also seeks to award projects that improve equity and environmental justice by addressing transportation-related disparities and climate change-related consequences. The Department also seeks to fund projects that, to the extent possible, target at least 40 percent of resources and benefits towards low-income communities, disadvantaged communities, communities underserved by affordable transportation, or overburdened communities.
Webinar details to be announced.
What is the mission and focus of the program: research, social, economic or others?
Infrastructure, Economic Development, Climate change
How do you submit to this opportunity?
Applications must be submitted to Detailed Instructions on “How to Apply” for RAISE Transportation Discretionary Grants can be found on the RAISE Website (
Who are the target applicants: cities, universities, companies, small business, nonprofits, or others?
State, local, and tribal governments, including U.S. territories, transit agencies, port authorities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and other political subdivisions of State or local governments.
Multiple States or jurisdictions may submit a joint application and must identify a lead applicant as the primary point of contact, and also identify the primary recipient of the award. Each applicant in a joint application must be an Eligible Applicant. Joint applications must include a description of the roles and responsibilities of each applicant and must be signed by each applicant.
Example project(s) summaries from past RFPs:
PROJECT NAME: LINK Tulsa (Leveraging Intelligent Networks & Key-Corridors) Project
This project will install fiber optic/broadband cables connecting approximately 42 traffic signals and 60 bus rapid transit (BRT) stations to the Tulsa Traffic Management Center (TMC) as well as outfit approximately 42 intersections with transit signal priority (TSP). The project includes the installation of approximately 15 CCTV cameras at critical intersections for use by the TMC and transit dynamic messaging signs at approximately 36 BRT stops. The project will also make ADA compliant improvements to area crosswalks.
The project will provide the city with technology to better manage its transit systems, maximizing the performance of existing transportation infrastructure. The installation and use of the fiber/broadband cable to connect traffic signals and BRT stations to the city’s emergency services will address safety and capacity issues as well as reduce operating costs. The use of TSP will improve bus travel time and reliability, and dynamic messaging signs will improve user experience by providing real-time reliable updates for passengers.
(ii) Example project(s) summaries from past RFPs:
APPLICANT/SPONSOR: Eastgate Regional Council of Governments
BUILD GRANT AWARD: $10,853,192
The project will provide autonomous transit shuttles, transit waiting environments, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, green infrastructure such as permeable surfaces and LED lighting, streetscaping, and way-finding to connect anchor institutions such as Youngstown State University, Mercy Health, Youngstown Business Incubator, and Eastern Gateway Community College.
The project includes upgraded pedestrian safety features such as crosswalks and High Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) and preempted signals, as well as dedicated bicycle lanes. The project includes state of good repair benefits such as an asset management strategy for the road network, as well as upgrading sidewalks, crosswalks, and signals to bring them into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Environmental protection benefits include green infrastructure improvements that will reduce storm-water related vulnerabilities, including flooding, and LED lighting that will require less energy than the current high-pressure sodium lamps in the project area. The project will connect key economic institutions in the city and spur redevelopment in the downtown area, improving economic competitiveness. The project includes innovative technologies such as autonomous shuttles that will operate in a dedicated shuttle lane, as well as the installation of fiber optic conduit to facilitate high-speed broadband and enable roadway data collection. Urban
(iii) Example project(s) summaries from past RFPs:
PROJECT NAME: Gateway Boulevard (CR 106) Improvement Project – Phase II
APPLICANT/SPONSOR: City of Tea, South Dakota
The project will widen and reconstruct approximately 1.3 miles of 271st Street (Lincoln County Road 106) from the Heritage Parkway intersection to the Interstate 29 interchange as a 4-lane divided roadway with pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, sewer upgrades, street lighting, and adaptive traffic signals.
Converting the existing 3-lane rural section roadway into a 4-lane divided urban section with sidewalks and bicycle infrastructure, implementing controlled access for driveways and approaches, and adding adaptive traffic signals will decrease traffic congestion and minimize the likelihood of crashes. Adding travel and intersection turn lanes will improve traffic flow, especially during peak hours, and travel time for freight and residential traffic. The project also reduces travel time.
(iv) Example project(s) summaries from past RFPs:
PROJECT NAME: Las Vegas Medical District Automated Circular and Connected Pedestrian Safety Project
APPLICANT/SPONSOR: Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
PROJECT COST: $7,388,664
This project will provide autonomous and connected vehicle service, pedestrian safety devices, and smart transit shelters to the Las Vegas Medical District. Additional ITS improvements include pedestrian detection software at intersections, GOVegas app improvements which will extend green light time for pedestrians and Wi-Fi improvements throughout the project area.
The installation of pedestrian detection systems at signalized intersections and uncontrolled crossings will address pedestrian injuries and fatalities. The project’s deployment of automated vehicles and intelligent transportation systems can be used as a best practice and learning tool for other communities looking to implement these types of technologies. The project is a part of an overall strategy to address the land-use and design characteristics that contribute to excessive vehicle speeds in the Las Vegas Medical District.