
This Challenge seeks submissions from researchers and faculty members at public CCI member universities to develop a cybersecurity solution that leverages unique elements of emerging 5G technologies to provide secure operations or communications in ways not possible on previous generation networks. In the future, secure 5G networks will be the backbone to enable IoT, transportation, automated infrastructure, and other autonomous systems.

Go to Official Challenge Homepage


This is a gated four-phase competition. Finalists will be awarded funds and an invitation to participate in the next phase. Throughout the course of the competition, US Ignite and CCI will engage cybersecurity experts, facilitate rapid innovation, and assist with the commercialization of products. Participating teams will have an opportunity to showcase their skills in cybersecurity and learn from other professionals.

Competition Update

After completing the first two phases of the competition, we are excited to share more about the four finalist teams plus the prizes each earned as a result of their concepts and prototypes!


Get to know the four finalists


Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions.

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The Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) is establishing Virginia as a global center of excellence at the intersection of security, autonomous systems, and data. With a mission of research, innovation, and workforce development, CCI serves as a catalyst for the Commonwealth’s long-term leadership in this sector.

In partnership with CCI, US Ignite will facilitate the Challenge process and coach teams on prototyping and product development as they progress through a multi-phase challenge.

Questions or interested?

We’re here to help and advise.

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