The Smart Gigabit Communities (SGC) program has expanded well beyond its original network of cities, bringing in new community members, funding partners, and allies across the public and private sector. Thanks to the National Science Foundation and to our corporate partners for their continued support. Hear what our colleagues and cities say about how the SCG program continues to grow.


Notable Quotes

“We realized the impact that the program was having, the Smart Gigabit Communities initiative was having on our region, and we realized that if we truly wanted to create change, then we needed to invest in this for the long term.”
Dominic Papa, Arizona Institute for Digital Progress

“All the different cities, and companies, and universities that we work with, non-profits – there’s over 150 of them across the country.”
Nick Maynard, US Ignite

“We can have more impact when we partner with others. In that sense, working with US Ignite and the other SGC partners, it only makes perfect sense for us.”
Tom Snyder, RIoT