US Ignite hosted a discussion on how community members are rising to the challenge of COVID-19 by finding uses of data that improve communication and coordination in our rapidly evolving world. We assembled a panel of experts and convened participants from the cohort of over 30 communities that are part of our Smart Gigabit Communities program, started by the National Science Foundation. Panelists shared real world experiences and the resources they used to ramp up efforts, as well as insight gained from working with data sources, tools, and analysis techniques. The speakers represented a spectrum of organizations within communities, from government and non-profits to small businesses.

We’re including a list of resources from panelists below, including data sources and tools, and some examples of data use within communities.

US Ignite would like to thank the panelists, and everyone who is stepping up during the crisis for their hard work and support.

Update 4/23/2020 – Follow-up with Carto

Due to some technical difficulties with last week’s Data and community approaches to COVID discussion we lost the a portion of the session, primarily involving the input from Carto.  So we followed up with Kyle Pennell, who showed some examples of how communities get started with Carto and their grant program.

Resources & Tools (In order referenced in the panel)

Selected COVID-19 Related Data Examples


Update 4/23/2020 Additional Carto Resources

 CARTO Covid-19 Resources

? Get Started with CARTO