Lessons Learned from the AV Shuttle Pilot at Fort Carson

Playbook Intro

US Ignite successfully deployed an Automated Vehicle (AV) shuttle at Fort Carson to advance the Department of Defense’s (DoD) understanding of the latest private-sector transportation and technology solutions and how they may address safety, budgetary, and operational challenges on the post. Using a combination of AVs, smart transportation sensors, and data analytics, the project provided valuable insight on how to scale these technologies. This playbook offers an overview of the lessons learned from the AV deployment during the two-year pilot under the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) contract.

Download the AV Shuttle Playbook

Smart communities and other military installations can use the steps and tips outlined within the playbook to replicate and improve future AV deployments. Some of the key topics covered include:

  • Selecting technology partners and vendors
  • Choosing a route and preparing for operations
  • Defining Operational Design Domain
  • Public Safety
  • Communications and Outreach

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US Ignite AV Playbook-Final

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