US Ignite Community Benefits
Benefits of Becoming a US Ignite Community:
- Become part of an ecosystem of connected communities, innovators, and applications
- Gain technical and community-building assistance plus notice of funding opportunities
- Leverage expert assistance in developing advanced applications and services to drive continuous economic development
- Achieve national visibility at the annual US Ignite Application Summit
- Take advantage of US Ignite’s ability to facilitate access to high-capacity, low-latency network infrastructure with local edge computing and storage capabilities
Benefits of Sponsoring a US Ignite Community:
- Connect with senior local municipal leaders and help steer smart city application development
- Partner with local entrepreneurs and accelerator groups to drive the digital economy
- Gain access to advanced network infrastructure and applications
- Achieve national visibility as a US Ignite partner advancing smart connected communities
- Leverage US Ignite staff expertise and resources
More Info on US Ignite Communities: