An AI for IoT Information (AI3) Prize Competition
The AI for IoT Information (AI3) Prize Competition challenged teams to create an AI System to help first responders – like firefighters, police, and EMTs- leverage data from IoT devices, smart buildings, and other surrounding sources.
Watch AI3 Prize Competition Contestants and Organizers Discuss their Experiences.
Meet the Winning Teams:
After three phases, two teams, CNA-riis and Engineering Dynamics, emerged as the 1st place winners of the AI3 Prize Competition, and Team IoT-GPT was awarded third place.
First Place – CNA-riis (Arlington, VA)
Solution Overview:
CNA-riis developed an application called First Responder Awareness Monitoring during Emergencies (FRAME). FRAME can collect and organize data from building sensors or video feeds and provide a real-time picture of what is happening during an emergency for first responders using smart technologies like AI.
First Place- Engineering Dynamics (Silver Spring, MD)
Solution Overview:
Engineering Dynamics’ solution uses AI algorithms and synthetic IoT data generation to make accurate predictions about unknown IoT devices. Their approach prioritized efficient algorithms whenever possible, with the goal of deploying them to standard mobile devices carried by first responders.
Third Place – Team IoT-GPT (Palo Alto, CA)
Solution Overview:
Team IoT-GPT created an innovative advanced software solution that uses state-of-the-art AI technology, including Chat GPT, to assist first responders in emergency situations. Their system can interpret data from specialized sensors and turn it into easy-to-understand English sentences, and it can also transform complex data into easily understandable graphs, maps, and charts.
About the AI3 Prize Competition
Click play to explore the journey of organizing the AI3 Prize Competition
The rapid deployment of 5G infrastructure, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, smart buildings, transportation, and public safety data streams benefit communities across the country. However, these technologies have created a flood of data and made it difficult for public safety leaders and individual first responders to use them.
The Smart Communities, Smart Responders: An Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things Prize Competition (AI3 Prize Competition) sought to address this situation by accelerating the development of real-time data visualization with rapid IoT sensor integration, accessing various IoT data streams delivered in usable formats. The objective of the AI3 Prize Competition was to help first responders solve complex problems by interoperating and integrating sensor information, thus improving situational analysis and response time.
Texas A&M University (TAMU) and US-Ignite invited members of the public to join the AI3 Prize Competition, which is funded by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Public Safety Communications Research Division (PSCR). The participants were expected to ingest the unknown data, evaluate it based on metadata or other contextual information, as well as categorize the data appropriately to utilize it on a situational awareness platform.
The winning teams were among a few participating teams selected to demonstrate their solutions in a final, live test event at Disaster City®.
Additional details about the contest and phases can be found in the official rules document here.
Competition Objectives
- Increasing situational awareness for first responders and unit commanders
- Integrating IoT sensor data into intuitive data visualization interfaces
- Providing access to segmented and operationalizable real-time data
- Using AI to fuse, align, support, or confirm data from multiple IoT real-time sources with pre-event data
- Using IoT data and AI to alert or highlight status, changes, activities, and events
- Ingesting unknown data, evaluating it based on metadata or other contextual information