Request for Proposals (RFP): Video Support
Date Issued: January 18, 2019

Please note: Click here for a PDF version of this document.

Section 1: Overview of RFP

US Ignite seeks a partner to provide contracted video support at the 7th Annual US Ignite Application Summit from April 1-4, 2019. The event will be held in Denver, Colorado.

US Ignite is soliciting bids from all interested parties for a six-month contract – the term of the contract will begin February 15, 2019 and end August 15, 2019. No contractual obligation on behalf of US Ignite whatsoever shall arise from the RFP process. Additionally, this RFP does not commit the US Ignite to pay any cost incurred in the preparation or submission of any response to the RFP.

Section 2: About US Ignite

US Ignite, is an independent, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, was created with inspiration from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. US Ignite spurs the creation of next-generation applications and services that leverage advanced networking technologies to build the foundation for smart communities, including cities, rural areas, regions, and states. We help to accelerate new wired and wireless networking advances from research to prototype to full-scale smart community and
interconnected national deployments. US Ignite believes that the communities most likely to become the first smart communities are those with widespread, open, and flexible advanced networks. Though the below programs, US Ignite seeks to make smart communities smarter.

Section 3: About the 2019 US Ignite Application Summit

The 7th Annual US Ignite Application Summit will be held from April 1,-4, 2019 in Denver, Colorado. The Summit will take place at the Denver Convention Center and once again will be co-located with the Smart Cities Connect Conference and Expo. We have a host of exciting presentations and demonstrations planned for this year’s Application Summit, including over 35 advanced demonstrations.

Section 4: Scope of Services

Potential partners should provide all of the described services, to US Ignite. Assumptions include:

  • A US Ignite provided list of demonstrators to interview and demonstrations to record
  • A US Ignite provided list of US Ignite staff, NSF staff, and other Summit attendees to interview (note that the partner is welcome to interview additional attendees as needed)
  • Access to all footage shot during the Summit
  • Timely feedback, review, and approval of tasks
  • Reimbursement of reasonable, allowable, and allocable travel costs and meals/incidentals

2019 US Ignite Application Summit (April 1-4, 2019)

US Ignite is requesting that the partner create videos to capture the energy, accomplishments, and key takeaways of the US Ignite Application Summit. The requirements include one Summit recap video that provides an overview of the entire event, one city leaders recap video that highlights key city leaders, and up to five application demo videos that capture select US Ignite communities’ gigabit applications and the human impact stories of the applications.

The partner shall provide:

1. Pre-Production: Provide pre-production services including a planning meeting, to help establish style and scope of videos.

2. Production: Provide personnel and equipment at the event– in your response, please include the number of personnel required and the positions required (i.e., producer, videographer, audio manager, director, production assistants, etc.). Production includes interviews of US Ignite staff, NSF staff, application demonstrators, and other stakeholders at the event, and live Summit footage.

3. Post-Production: Provide the following deliverables post-production:

  • A total of up to seven videos, including one highlight video (~2 minutes), one city leaders video (~2 minutes) and between three to five application demo videos (2-3 minutes each). Partner will provide all Rough Cut videos within three (3) weeks of the conference end date (subject to US Ignite’s delivery of feedback and review).
    • Rough Cut Videos of all videos, including video and graphic recommendations should be provided no later than April 25, 2019
    • Final Cut Videos, includes up to two rounds of revision each. Final videos should be delivered no later than June 1, 2019.
  • Custom introduction and credit sequences for all videos.
  • All raw video footage

The bulk of the programming for capturing video footage will occur on April 2-3, 2019.

Section 5: Submission of Proposals

US Ignite must receive all proposals to the [email protected] email address before 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time February 4, 2019. This is a mandatory requirement and will not be waived by US Ignite. Any bid proposal received after this deadline will be rejected.

Section 6: RFP Response – How to Respond

If your organization would like to respond to this RFP, please send an email to [email protected] with a subject line of “RFP: 2019 Summit Video Support – Your Organization”. Please include the following in your response:

1. Proposer Information

  • Provide primary contact information, including name of organization, phone number, email, and main point of contact.
  • Share biographies of key staff proposed to work on this initiative, including a description of experience for each proposed staff member (half-page limit per proposed staff member).

2. Scope of Services: Indicate how your organization will meet all or select requirements noted in the Scope of Services section.

3. Cost: Provide estimated costs for the activities included in the Scope of Services section. Please provide pricing for up to five videos (one highlight video, one city leaders video, three demo videos) AND pricing for up to seven videos (one highlight video, one city leaders video, and five demo videos). Please note that potential partners can offer to provide all or any of the described services, either bundled or separately, to US Ignite. US Ignite will reimburse staff travel expenses to Denver in accordance with Federal and US Ignite travel policies.

After review of the submissions the US Ignite may request to meet with potential service providers prior to selecting a partner. Please provide you response no later than February 4, 2019. Please direct any questions to [email protected] .

Section 7: Proposal Evaluation

The proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

1. Qualifications and experience of proposed project staff and evaluation of previous work in similar situations (please provide examples or references)
2. Project costs and overall value