Army installations need a networking and data brokering system capable of rapidly integrating
diverse data sources and systems into a unified data mesh and Common Operating Picture (COP) dashboard. To meet this need, US Ignite is managing an ‘Installation Operations Tool’ (IOT)
project for the requirements development and live demonstration of a potential solution at Fort
Moore, GA (formerly known as Fort Benning). This project supports the US Army Corps of
Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (USACE-ERDC) and the Assistant
Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment (ASA IE&E).

In support of this project, US Ignite released a Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the demonstration of an Installation Operations Tool. This RFQ #001A “IOT – National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Portal Integration Support” is a separate procurement. This RFQ is intended to secure modernization and integration support services for a “NEPA Portal” system to integrate with the Installation Operations Tool.

US Ignite is requesting an aggressive schedule for completion. The objective of this RFQ is to
procure the services of an “IOT NEPA Portal Integration Support vendor” that will ensure there

  1. Well-documented, modern network and API interfaces available from a system for the IOT
    capability to interface with
  2. Personnel available to support the integration between the IOT capability and, among other
    systems, the NEPA Portal deployed at Fort Moore, GA

The selected Proposer (“IOT NEPA Portal Integration Support Vendor”) will be responsible for
completing the Scope of Services (Section 3), in compliance with the Schedule (Section 4). The
Period of Performance is expected from June 19, 2024, through August 31, 2025. A Time and
Material (T&M) contract will be provided to the IOT NEPA Portal Integration Support Vendor.
The maximum value of this award will be $40,000.

Please click the button below for additional information.

Download the RFQ Document

Solicitation Responses

All quotations must be submitted by June 3, 2024 no later than 8:00 PM EDT.

All questions regarding this RFQ must be submitted by May 27, 2024, no later than 8:00 PM EDT. US Ignite will endeavor to respond to these questions by May 29, 2024 no later than 8:00 PM EDT.

Quotations (and questions) should be submitted via email to the RFQ coordinator at
[email protected]. All communications related to this quotation should be directed to the RFQ coordinator. Any other communications will not be considered and may disqualify proposers from responding to this RFQ.

Quotations must be submitted in either Word or PDF format and may include attachments in Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint format. Excluding any attachments, quotations must be no longer than 5 pages.

Quotations must include the following sections and associated details:
1. Proposed information: Provide primary contact information, including name, title, phone number, email, and organization name, address, and DUNS number.

2. Company overview: Provide an overview of the company, and any relevant experience
working on similar DoD, installations, and/or environmental management projects.

3. Proposed schedule: The format for this may follow the format of Table 1 above or may be provided in an alternative format including but not limited to MS Project file, Excel workbook, Gantt chart, or similar. Proposers may include brief summaries of the activities to be performed under each task.

4. Proposed approach: A narrative description shall be provided summarizing the proposed approach to performing tasks 1-5 of the Scope of Services. This may include any tools or technologies intended for use, as well as any requirements and necessary design or deployment considerations that will need to be addressed post-award.

5. Cost proposal

Download RFQ document for more details