US Ignite presents an online discussion with experts in the field of Data-Driven Support During the COVID-19 Crisis.
With a new online event on the use of data in supporting communities during the COVID-19 crisis, US Ignite presents the second in our series of topical discussions designed to help communities respond to rising challenges during this health emergency. The series gives participants a chance to hear directly from experts and discover critical resources for dealing with the effects of the pandemic.
Data-Driven Support During the COVID-19 Crisis
WHEN: Thursday, April 16th @ 3:00 PM Eastern
WHERE: Join us via Zoom at
Food distribution, pop-up testing locations, community connectivity options, social distancing, and more highlight the critical data needs emerging in communities during the COVID-19 crisis. Local data stewards and grassroots efforts are popping up to help communities manage the flood of data and to communicate change and help populations address the effects of the pandemic more effectively. We will hear from a few local experts doing this now who will share how to get started, resources that could be used by your community, and more. We will take questions from attendees via the Q&A button during the live online event and relay them to the panel as time allows.
Please use the link provided to register, and we look forward to your questions at the event.
If you’re interested in Community 3D Printing for COVID-19 response, see the recording of our previous event.