Long-Range Broad Agency Announcement (LRBAA)
RFP Summary provided by the agency
The Science and Technology Directorate’s (S&T) Long-Range Broad Agency Announcement (LRBAA) is a standing, open invitation to the scientific and technical communities to fund pioneering research and development (R&D) projects in support of our nation’s security. Its purpose is to advance our scientific and technical knowledge and to apply such advances to the department’s operational environments.
A traditional Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is specific in its subject matter requirements. The LRBAA is not. By design, it covers a wide range of subjects and is short on details. This enables S&T to contemplate proposals for original research that fall outside the scope of its more narrowly defined BAAs. To view a listing of S&T’s current solicitations, visit S&T’s Solicitation Portal.
The current 17 LRBAA topics are categorized under six R&D priority areas:
Securing Aviation (SEC AVN)
- SEC AVN 04-08: Enhanced Contact and Non-Contact Trace Explosives Sampling and Detection (updated)
- SEC AVN 04-09: Checked Baggage (new)
- SEC AVN 04-10: Explosive and Ballistic Threat Mitigation for Commercial Aircraft, Aviation and Non-Aviation Applications (new)
- SEC AVN 05-02: Screening at Speed
- SEC AVN 06-05: Small Bulk Confirmatory Capabilities Through Barriers (new)
Securing Borders (SEC BORD)
- SEC BORD 01-01: Noninvasive, Minimally Disruptive Sensors and Systems
- SEC BORD 03-05: Air Based Technologies
- SEC BORD 03-06: Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems (updated)
- SEC BORD 03-07: Maritime Domain Awareness Technologies
- SEC BORD 06-01: Biometric Technologies for Extending, Augmenting, or Improving DHS Identity and Verification Capabilities
Securing Cyberspace (SEC CYB)
- SEC CYB 04-02: Mobile Security & Resiliency R&D
Preventing Terrorism (PREV)
- PREV 01-02: Detection Canine Technologies (updated)
- PREV 04-03: Threat Prevention
Protecting from Terrorist Attacks (PROT)
- PROT 03-02: Prevention, Diagnosis and Mitigation of Transboundary Agricultural Pests and Diseases
Managing Incidents (MGMT)
- MGMT 01-02: Technology Acceptance
- MGMT 02-08: GMD and Nuclear EMP Critical Infrastructure Risk
- MGMT 08-04: Using Internet of Things (IoT) for Community and Infrastructure Resiliency Against All-Hazards (new)
What is the mission and focus of the program: research, social, economic or others?
Goal is to fund scientific and technical projects across a spectrum of science and engineering disciplines across the Homeland Security Enterprise.
How do you submit to this opportunity?
Potential sources must participate in industry engagement with Program Managers (PMs) in order to be invited to participate in the two-phased proposal process. Industry engagement begins with the submission of research concept materials. Potential sources must submit research concept material to the DHS S&T LRBAA Submission Portal consisting of: 3-page abstract describing the technology or research, why it is unique, and an overview of the company, its capabilities, and relevant experience; Quad Chart depicting: Projected total cost; Impact and relevance to DHS; Project highlights; Technical and milestone bullets.
Who are the target applicants: cities, universities, companies, small business, nonprofits, or others?
DHS S&T particularly encourages submissions from small businesses. Businesses of all sizes, universities, national laboratories, and other R&D organizations (both domestic and international) can submit ideas through the LRBAA. By aligning topics to the highest priority needs, the LRBAA provides a mechanism to focus the unique capabilities and expertise of our partner base on solving Component critical homeland security problems.
Example project(s) summaries from past RFPs:
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL) of Livermore, California, was awarded $1,825,000 to improve CT data processing techniques for baggage scanning. This project will work to develop algorithms that will improve automated threat recognition software in X-ray detection systems. The LLNL solution will use data and images collected from X-ray imaging systems to help train several proposed threat recognition algorithms. These algorithms will improve on current technology by compensating for beam hardening, a natural effect of the lower energy X-rays being absorbed in materials, which causes dark streaks in X-ray images and can interfere with the operator’s reviewing of the image. The resulting algorithms will be incorporated into a software upgrade for X-ray systems, helping to reduce false alarms while maintaining the rate of passengers and bags moved through an entire checkpoint system.