
Develop a gigabit infrastructure to integrate SDN and real-time computing for ultra- resilient, efficient and secure urban power networks.

The innovations lie in integrating IoT technologies, software defined networking and real-time computing to establish a scalable SD2N architecture, designing SD2N-enabled distributed optimization for accommodating high levels of renewable penetration in urban power distribution networks (UDNs) and developing layered control and information sharing that enables robust networking of microgrids to systematically unlock the potential of SD2N in enabling flexibility, resilience and security of UDNs. Additionally, this project will also advance the frontier of real-time networking and computing, transform the way how smart grid is operated and designed, and offer a new paradigm to manage heterogeneous devices and data in an affordable, resilient, sustainable, and highly efficient way. Eversource Energy Center and Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology will facilitate the effective transfer of research results to key stakeholders, cities and communities.

Team Information: University of Connecticut,

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