・Monitor the water level of a river and canals connected to the river using hyper sonic sensors and collect the data through a wireless multi-hop network
・Predict the water level using past data (Bigdata)
・Publish real time water level and rainfall data on the City web page
・How to establish the water level management method including monitoring and prediction for preventing flood under localized burst that is becoming serious due to recent climate changes.
– Predicting the water level 30 minutes in advance enables to support quick decision for controlling water gates.
– Predicting the water level 3 hours in advance enables to support efficient planning for evacuation
・How to share the visualized real time water level and rainfall data to staff members in local municipality and citizens.
Major Requirements:
1. Design and Install sensor system and establish sensor networking
2. Correct real time water level and rainfall data using 920 MHz band multi-hop wireless communications technology
3. Visualize real time water levels and rainfalls and develop real time monitoring system in city hall for staff members
4. Publish the real time water levels and rainfalls data on the City web page
5. Establish a method of water level predictions 30 minutes in advance
6. Establish a method of water level predictions 3 hours in advance
Performance Targets/ Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
・Zero data loss on data collection through wireless multi-hop network system
・Less than 10 % error of water level prediction 30 minutes in advance
Measurement Methods:
・Data loss rate
・Comparison between the predicted water level and actual one
Using standardized protocol for wireless networking and data transfer and retrieve
・Wireless networking : IEEE802.15.4g
・Sensor data transfer: IEEE1888(FIAP)
・Zero death toll by flooding
Phase I Pilot/Demonstration June 2016:
・Enhance the system liability (decreasing data loss rate)
Phase II Deployment June 2017:
・Enhance the prediction accuracy
Team Information: Team Lead:
Nozomu Nishinaga
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
email: [email protected]