This technology offers patients the opportunity to receive physical therapy in the home with more frequent assessment and adjustment of prescribed exercises, resulting in more effective rehabilitation and health outcomes. The interactive interface leverages Google Fiber grade high-speed networking and low-latency network paths.
Our interactive physical therapy interface provides remote, in-home assessment and coaching with quantitative measurement of balance and movement In a previous demo, we were able to demonstrate the following. A physical therapist (PT) will be standing by at the University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. Participants at the US Ignite Application Summit will be able to work remotely with the PT as she guides them through a set of balance and walking exercises using the new interactive interface with a Microsoft Kinect positioned at each end. The interface will show the live patient performance quantitatively through visualizations. Finally, GENI hardware is used in the interface to achieve seamless streaming of video, audio, depth, and skeletal data from the Kinect.
Acknowledgments: This work is funded by the National Science Foundation
Team Information: University of Missouri Center for Eldercare and Rehabilitation Technology, Our group is an interdisciplinary team of faculty and students from Computer Science and Engineering, Physical Therapy, and Nursing. This is one project within the larger Center for Eldercare and Rehabilitation Technology, focused on investigating, developing, and evaluating technology to serve the needs of older adults and others with physical and cognitive challenges. Marjorie Skubic, Prasad Calyam, Carmen Abbott, Marilyn Rantz, Manav Singhal, Anup Mishra, Tatiana Alexenko, Ronny Bazan Antequera, Brad Harris, Greg Corpier, Katie Boyer