

Deployment of an intelligent parking space detection system that will improve the efficiency in the management of either private parking lots or public off-street parking in the city. By monitoring available spaces by means of computer vision technology, this approach prevents the costly deployment of sensors to cover broad areas. Such enhancement enables the optimization of parking search, reducing unnecessary traffic conjunction. Additionally, the solution provides geocoding management and visualization of maps.


Transportation, reorganizing the space devoted to parking and addressing traffic calming.

Major Requirements:

• Assessment of specific requirements from the city(ies) involved
• Adaptation of the existing solution according to such needs
• Testing application pilot in a controlled real environment
• Refinement of application’s performance according to the feedback gathered
• Scale up the solution to a broader coverage
• Deployment of solution in city(ies)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

• 50% cost savings in relation to sensor-based monitoring solutions. The camera technology reduces infrastructure costs when compared to implementation of sensors on pavement.
• 20% time reduction in data process management
• 40% time reduction in parking search as users will be able to quickly and simply find available parking in their driving vicinity or close to their destination, avoiding unnecessary lost time.

Measurement Methods:

The outcomes from the project will be compared and evaluated in relation to the existing systems from the city(ies).


This project will leverage on FIWARE (, a public, royalty-free and open source platform that eases the development of Smart Applications in multiple vertical sectors. Besides being one of the reference platforms for GCTC 2016, FIWARE is contributing to the International Technical Working Group on IoT-Enabled Smart City Framework launched by NIST. FIWARE brings the NGSI standard API which represents a pivot point for Interoperability and Portability of smart city applications and services.

Replicability, Scalability, and Sustainability:

Such FIWARE NGSI API is one of the pillars of the Open & Agile Smart Cities initiative (, a driven-by-implementation initiative that works to address the needs from the cities avoiding vendor lock-in, comparability to benchmark performance, and easy sharing of best practices. There are currently 89 cities from 19 countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia-Pacific who have officially joined this initiative, including the city of Valencia.

Project Impacts:

A more efficient usage of the road communications resources, alternative means of transport and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Phase I Pilot/Demonstration June 2016:
Deployment of application pilot in a real environment, testing the performance with a set of early adopters

Phase II Deployment June 2017:
Deployment of application in the city

Team Information: Team Lead:
Paula Llobet, Fundacion InnDEA Valencia ([email protected])

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