
Brief Description:

The goal of the demonstrator is to create a visualization dashboard for city utility KPIs that can help city government to track SLAs of municipal services. In this pilot, the dashboard to be developed by this task will be focused on the generation, visualization and tracking of KPIs for the urban waste management and thoroughfare cleaning services.

Challenges and Solutions:

To gather relevant data through open APIs coming from different sources (sensors, surveys, external systems) to generate a set of KPIs that can be used to assess SLA fulfillment in municipal services.

Major Requirements:

Integrate 700+ sensors that provide filling level information.
Integrate a citizen participation tool to report incidences in the service and request new services (e.g. specific waste collection) and control and track response times
Integrate information from visual inspections and surveys
Generate and visualize KPIs and SLA breaches to calculate bonuses and penalties

Performance Targets/ Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):

Service efficiency: 12% reduction of cost for waste management
Tax reduction around 6.5%
Transparency: 100% of population with access to information about waste management service

Measurement Methods:

Service efficiency will be measured through the results of SLAs breaches and improvements.
Transparency and service quality through citizen surveys.


This project uses FIWARE (, a public, royalty-free and open source platform that eases the development of Smart Applications in multiple vertical sectors. FIWARE brings harmonized APIs (NGSIv2) and data models, which represent a pivot point for Interoperability and Portability of smart city applications and services.

Replicability, Scalability, and Sustainability:

Such FIWARE NGSI API is one of the pillars of the Open & Agile Smart Cities initiative (, a driven-by-implementation initiative that works to address the needs from the cities avoiding vendor lock-in, comparability to benchmark performance, and easy sharing of best practices. There are currently 89 cities from 19 countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia-Pacific who have officially joined this initiative.

Project Impacts:

Change in the economic relationship model of the municipality with utilities and service providers, from the fixed assignment of resources to dynamic adaption to the needs of the city. Improved efficiency in the services, with economic impact on utilities benefits and municipal costs. Improvement of the quality of life of citizens through a better waste management service.

Demonstration/Deployment Phases:

Phase I Pilot/Demonstration June 2016:
Basic generation and visualization of KPIs

Phase II Deployment June 2017:
Improvement of the dashboard, SLAs breaches and improvements calculation and visualization, extension to other services

Team Information: Team Lead:
Javier Paniagua ([email protected])

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