Richardson, TX
Education & Workforce Healthcare

This EVP System App provides an augmented reality-based medical interview practice experience that enables a medical student to interview a virtual standardized patient (VSP) while being aided by a remote human expert through three real-time feedback modalities: text, audio, and video. The text and audio feedback functionality has been developed, the video feedback functionality is currently being developed.

Medical students need greater opportunity to practice and improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills and engage in realistic education. The University of Texas at Dallas Center for Modeling and Simulation/Virtual Humans and Synthetic Societies Lab (The Center), with support from the University of Texas Southwestern (UTSW) Medical Center is developing the EVP System App Platform to transform clinical training by enabling self-driven education while providing access to an expert evaluator network – all fueled by the US Ignite GENI Network.

The Center has successfully completed the first layer of the GENI-based Augmented-Reality based learning platform — The EVP System App. The EVP System App allows professors to observe the student and virtual patient interaction in the Microsoft Hololens headset in real-time. As the next step in the platform development, the Center has successfully developed real-time feedback functionality that enables the professor to not only observe but also communicate with students, using audio and text, during the virtual patient scenario.

The Center is currently developing the EVP Real Time Feedback Module Part Two – the Video Framework Specification. The Video Framework Specification develops an architecture and the components required to specify and potentially implement a real-time video feedback stream from the professor to the student during the virtual patient scenario.

Acknowledgments: We would like to thank the UTSW Medical foundation, our collaborators at UTSW Medical Center, and the Richardson TX SGC community leaders, for their support and guidance.

Team Information: The University of Texas at Dallas Center for Modeling and Simulation/Virtual Humans and Synthetic Societies Lab, Marjorie Zielke
[email protected]

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