San Francisco, CA

Governments, capital markets, real estate investors, property managers, commercial tenants, and even utilities lack comprehensive, granular, actionable data about potential energy efficiency opportunities and solutions available at the level of individual buildings and tenant spaces. The principal goal of the 5D Smart San Francisco 2030 District Project is to create a single hub that easily provides necessary data and information to San Francisco building owners in order to accelerate and expand investment in energy efficiency retrofits in a cost effective and timely manner. Buildings are responsible for 52% of the City’s carbon emissions. 75% of the City’s largest 2,000 commercial buildings fall within the boundaries of the 2.2 square mile area of interest. The project maps building energy usage and GHG emissions data to a dynamic, interactive 3D model of downtown San Francisco. Leveraging Cityzenith’s ground-breaking 5D Smart CityTM data visualization technology, the platform will serve as a collaboration tool for the City’s major government agencies, private commercial buildings owners, academic institutions, energy management solutions providers, standards organizations, network and telecommunications companies, and energy retrofit finance firms to accelerate the awareness and adoption of best practices and best-in-class energy management solutions in the industry.

Buildings are responsible for 52% of the city’s carbon emissions, and 75% of the city’s largest 2,000 commercial buildings fall within the boundaries of the 2.2 sq mi Area of Interest. While the local market benefits from the $1B that California utility ratepayers invest in energy efficiency incentives annually, ambitious building energy and green codes, and a large concentration of architectural and engineering talent, data about energy performance in buildings is a key missing ingredient. Governments, capital markets, real estate investors, property managers, commercial tenants, and even utilities lack comprehensive, granular, actionable data about the specific energy efficiency opportunities and solutions waiting to be tapped at the level of individual buildings and tenant spaces. And no single hub holds all of the information necessary to harness data in service of sustainability.

The principal goal of the 5D Smart San Francisco 2030 District project is to create that very hub that makes the necessary data and information easily available to building owners in the city in order to accelerate and expand investment in energy efficiency retrofits, cost effectively and within a reasonable timeframe. The platform will serve as a collaboration tool for the city’s major government agencies, private commercial buildings owners, academic institutions, energy management solutions providers, standards organizations, network and telecommunications companies, and energy retrofit finance firms to work together in ways they never have before. Use of the platform will accelerate the awareness and adoption of best practices and best-in-class energy management solutions in the industry, leveraging common standards to ensure successful adoption and deployment in cities around the the United States and the world.

Team Information: Michael Jansen, Cityzenith, Mr. Barry Hooper, The City and County of San Francisco, Dept. of the Environment

Mr. Stan Lew, Mr. Richard Chien, San Francisco District 2030

Mr. George Percivall

Mr. Seth Schultz, C40 Cities Climate Action Group

Mr. Magnus Cheifetz, Building Energy

Mr. Tianzhen Hong, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories


Mr. Kevin Welsh, Verizon

Mr. Rick Ostrander, Echomesh

Ms. Laura Schewel, Streetlight Data

Mr. Pierre Trevet, Helios Exchange

Mr. Robert Lega, Cityzenith

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